Oxymetazoline Hcl Can I Take 12 Hour Oxymetazoline Hcl Nasal Spray Within A Few Hours Of Taking Pseudoephedrine Hcl?

Can I take 12 hour oxymetazoline hcl nasal spray within a few hours of taking pseudoephedrine hcl? - oxymetazoline hcl

Ephedrine is a nasal decongestant in itself.
Oxymetazoline has CNS stimulant properties, and I can say that it is not cons-(Fields with ephedrine, in addition to possibly increasing the risk of nasal swelling at high doses)

I would not be worried to use both, but you should consult a doctor to be sure.


John de Witt said...

Sure. You will not be much of a systemic administration of Afrin. It works, but still a hell of a lot better than Sudafed.

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