Dha Yogurt Yo Baby Vs Yo Kids Yogurt For Under 1 Year Olds?

Yo Baby vs Yo Kids Yogurt for under 1 year olds? - dha yogurt

what your children under 1 year? Children and Yo Yo Baby? I am, but Yo Yo Baby Kids $ 1 is cheaper and still has the DHA.


Kristy Lynn said...

When Kaitlyn 1 1 / 2 and younger, and I bought the Yo Baby, because milk has everything within him. I was done with children, low-fat milk.
After 1 1 / 2 or so I started the children, I drank whole milk enough to buy.

So have to buy 2 and one of them is a sale:)

Since Jacob is proposing less than 1 adherence to the baby, because I have it from whole milk. Sign up to receive coupons on their website, you $ 0.50 coupons in the mail.

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