Do you recommend I get a red tail shark? - biggest shark ever seen
I asked myself whether I have a red tail shark, seems to me very, very cold recommended to me and I thought with a
Things to know about Redtail reach about 6 inches tall and must be continued, because the fish are very aggressive. If I will have a red tail in a tank (which keep algae eaters in peace with her, if they are linked) could
But I have some questions
1.What No Red Tail Sharks eat?
2. Red Tail Sharks are active swimmers?
3. What can I eat algae leads a red-tail shark (I have heard that you can keep it with Corian)
4. I get my red tail shark or do we hide?
5. What should the tank at a glance how the red tail shark (and not just the size of the tank, but the color of the gravel will keep better with it and when I plant things in it .. do not want to have in the bowl., that) the caves and the like
6. Recommend to a red tail shark?
Biggest Shark Ever Seen Do You Recommend I Get A Red Tail Shark?
11:12 PM
Let me begin this response by correcting the mistakes of others who have recently ... Red Tail Catfish Sharks are not), cyprinids (closer to the Goldfish Catfish context. They do not eat flakes, and it is not necessary to remain single. Even if they are aggressive, it's only for fish that could be perceived as a threat or invade their territory. For this reason I do not think people with low (Corian, Otos, Loaches, etc.) with these fish, if they are protected (such as Plecos) because he did not make every effort to track down and avoid trouble if at near his favorite hiding place. I recommend at least one tank 25 gallons with plenty of coverage, including plants, rocks, driftwood and you can use to create zones. The average fish such as tetras, Rasboras and phrases are a good choice, as well as the inhabitants of the region crossed out, such as axes, and danios. In most cases, I would like to avoid Gouramis, Bettas, Livebearers (guppies, Mollies, swordtails, Plati, Endler, the Gambusia, etc.), angels and other fish slow or quiet, as itikely be shredded.
1. They are almost exclusively herbivores better with a diet of algae wafers and vegetables (lettuce or spinach, zucchini, bananas, grapes, cut watermelon, cucumber, etc.). Some like to eat mosquito larvae but they are relatively rare. They do not eat flakes or granules.
2. They are fairly active, but a lot of time hanging out at the opening of his favorite, often a quick patrol of the tank raises, and again his place in the cave.
3. As already mentioned, Coria did not eat algae, and not recommended anyway. Small Plecos (as Bristlenose and Bastard) would be the best option because they are very thick, stay secure armored scales.
4. They are constantly, and though hidden, makes a very good job to stay in sight (the opening of the cave).
5. A dark gravel is ideal because it gives you more comfort, you can really show their bright red tail. Gravel or sand black or a natural mixture of brown earth would be ideal. Make sure there are many caves, plants, stones and wood, and have no problem. They are not caves which can hide in its entirety, but the cave open enough pots lie on their side or stacked stone and wood (make sure it is safe!).
6. Much.
1. You can find the aquarium fish food flakes hiom as the other.
2. Yes
3. Corien should be good.
4. They are active fish that swim like across.
5. Personal preference ...
6. Not for beginners
Also do not eat algae Corys
The red tailed sharks should not be alone. You can have any other semi-aggressive fish like barbs and cichlids keep smaller. They feed on algae on the rocks, with pellets of algae. They tend to be far away from the bottom of the tank, but seem to swim continuously. Corien, Plecos, and probably clean the fish, which do not fit any other in the mouth should be fine. Then enter the correct places to hide, come often. I personally prefer the natural look of gravel and rock to hide. Alternatively, take a clay pot, drill a hole in the side, then roll into the silicon substrate with a transparent adhesive to give a natural look. I recommend a red tail, very funny. The selection of fish in the store, try a larger one to become active, it is more likely to survive for long.
Red Tail Sharks are off, in fact, the wolf and the investors.
1) They are omnivorous, eating almost anything they feed.
2) So, yes, there is much more active fish. In general, the patrol of the lower half of your tank, but not at the park facilities.
3) The algae eater be sure that it will have a red tail shark is Otocinclus. This attack has all the bottom feeders when it in order to protect food and food, even if they are not hungry. Certainly the experience of the attack Corie's.
4) You will see that the patrol an area that is not hidden.
5) 20 UK gallon well planted (plastic or real). What is taxed his imagination when they are using a cave (most likely ambush passing Corie's).
6) No, I had to sell the two because they are too aggressive for a community tank and not playing at the reservoir conditions.
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