Flea And Tick Protection What Type Of Flea/tick Preventive Meds Are Best For My Pup?

What type of flea/tick preventive meds are best for my pup? - flea and tick protection

There are currently searching for the best type of flea / tick preventative for a Golden Retriever puppy. Iv'e heard comments and against what I thought was the best, Frontline Plus. But I'm looking for further comments.


AshleyVi... said...

Advantix is the best option. Repels / kills fleas and ticks as well.

I work in a veterinary clinic, and believe me, almost no one buys a first-line (compared to Advantix). This does not mean not working at the forefront, but most customers prefer to K9 Advantix.

Bathe your dog or let the dog swim is not a problem - but given the drug for at least take a day, just to be safe. Advantix is absorbed into the skin of the animal within one hour after application, and if your dog already fleas, you will see literally fall and probably within ten minutes after the application. So feel free to bathe your puppy after one or two days.

Think you do it, do this: Do not waste time to buy Flea / Tick distributors of products like shampoos, collars are a waste of money, etc., as if you miss a dose of water for the dog because they are not effective. The only effective topical treatments are being sold by your veterinarian, because for these products through co-PharmaceuticalMpane as Bayer.

petcompa... said...

Chemical insecticides, which are under the control of smart drugs that can cause liver damage and other problems - for both your pet and you. I personally prefer using a flea spray for dogs target, since it is a natural alternative. This is a very effective repellent that deters fleas breed your dog.

http://www.petwellbeing.com/dog-fleas-p6 ...

Pink Teacup Pachyderm! said...

In addition to Frontline and Advantage are good ..

If you do not like cats, and you are vulnerable in one area for tick Advantix is also good. This product is highly toxic to cats Tho, so I advise if you have cat at home.

Another product is the resolution .. However, it requires a prescription from your veterinarian, as it also controls the worm's heart.

crazyk9'... said...

I did Frontline Plus on my gold and does not work.
Frontline only kills.

I went to K9 Advantix kills and pushes includes fleas, ticks and mosquitoes.

It works better with my whole team. There is never a waste of money once again.

Advantx K9 is effective even after a bath to your dog and swimming. I do not know why people think it does not.

Products can Eliz Puppies 8 weeks Frontline.
K9 Advantix for 7wks.

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